We carry a curated collection of eyewear from independent eye wear makers, made from the best quality materials and the finest craftsmanship. Our team is passionate about finding the right frame for each individual, matching style and function at its best.

Rigorous attention to detail, insistence on exceptional materials, commitment to sustainable methods, and an abiding obsession with arts and culture combine to inform AHLEM’s vision.

Caroline Abram’s collections are intended for all the women who want to feel beautiful, sensual, or just themselves.

Garrett Leight California Optical is fueled by a group of young, passionate purveyors of eyewear, dedicated to combining perfect craftsmanship with timeless aesthetics.

For those who appreciate the sun, Maui Jim provides more vibrant colors of the world while protecting your eyes from the harsh effects of glare and harmful rays.

SALT. Is an independent premium eyewear brand, dedicated to perfecting fit and establishing positive human connections that inspire.

Babiators kids have a sense of adventure and optimism for the future – they know they can go anywhere, conquer anything, and be total rockstars on the journey.

Designed in close collaboration with eyewear professionals to withstand extreme and careless handling, combining stability, comfort, resistance, color and style.

Superb Parisian optical eyewear with over ninety years of experience. Glasses handmade in France, making Parisian chic accessible worldwide.

Their frames feature an openly displayed spiral hinge, a mechanical solution that became an incidental styling element and a hallmark of MYKITA frames.

Talla is the ultimate accessory of masculine elegance.

WOOW is the banner for those who are not afraid to stand out and push their limits. Concepts with strongly evocative names that will surprise people!

This new affordable, highly individual, colorful collection from Caroline Abram embellishes like blush on the cheeks, chillbreath of fresh air.

FACE A FACE is an audacious, non-conformist eyewear brand. The collections draw inspiration from modern art, architecture, contemporary design and fashion trends.

MATTTEW is an eyewear company famous for their colorful, extraordinary frames. The core of the brand is to make every customer unique and inseparable from their glasses.

Children are restless by nature. They run, jump, play, and need glasses that adapt to them. Nano Vista created indestructible and flexible children’s glasses on the market.

When you buy a pair of Toms eyewear, you help fund access to mental health resources for the millions of people who need them. Wear TOMS. WEAR GOOD.