Myopia Management

Does your child need glasses to see the board at school? Do they seem to need stronger glasses every time you see your eye doctor? Read below to learn more about the newest technologies to slow down progression and prevent future ocular complications from high myopia.

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a common condition which begins in childhood causing distance objects to appear blurry. The World Health Organization report in 2019 listed myopia as one of the leading causes of vision impairment.

The increasing prescription (strength of the eyeglasses) is driven by an increase in the axial length of the eye. Simply put, the image created inside the eye does not line up with the retina. As your child grows and the length of the eye increases, it is necessary to use a more powerful lens to allow the image to properly focus on the back of the eye. As children mature, eventually the eyes stop growing and the prescription stabilizes. 

Moderate to high prescriptions (and longer eyes) put the future ocular health and vision of children at risk. Conditions such as macular degeneration, myopic retinopathy, retinal detachment, cataracts and glaucoma are strongly correlated with increasing axial length. Click Here to read the Canadian Association of Optometry statement on Myopia Control.

At Owl Optometry, we believe that prevention is the best medicine. Our doctors stay up to date on the newest available technologies for myopia control and can offer several options to help protect your child’s vision in the future.

Myopia control treatments


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